2018 Volunteer Appreciation Banquet
Meadow Brook Baptist Church

Executive Director Justin Johnston and Board Chairman Roger Foster honor Dr. William K. Dunham for his service to CHHC. Dr. Dunham was named Medical Director Emeritus and had the Medical Volunteer of the Year named for him

Former Board Member Howard Mullis and Dr. Dunham speak before the banquet

Mandy Maldonado presents Tami McDonald
with a Certificate of Appreciation to CHHC.

Mandy Maldonado chooses a number for a door prize during the Volunteer Appreciation Banquet

Volunteers enjoying themselves at the Volunteer Appreciation Banquet
Dr. Douglas Clark accepts the 2018 Corporate Volunteer of the Year Award for Pelham Eye Care

Susan Staniszewski is given her 2018 Howard Mullis Non-Medical Volunteer of the Year Award by Justin Johnston

The Staff of the Community of Hope Health Clinic at the 2018 CHHC Volunteer Banquet